Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Kecak Dance ( Synopsis and Icon )

Kecak ['ketja']

Kecak (pronounced [ˈketʃaʔ], alternate spellings: Ketjak and Ketjack) is a form of Balinese dance and music drama that was developed in the 1930s in Bali, Indonesia. Since its creation, it has been performed primarily by men, with the very first women's kecak group starting in 2006. 

          This dance performed by many (tens or more) male dancers who sit lined up in a circle with a certain rhythm called "Cak" and raised both arms, describe the Ramayana's Story when a lot of apes help Rama to fight with  Ravana. However, Kecak derived from sanghyang ritual. Shanghyang dance is a dance that the dancer will be in unconscious condition, to communicate with God or spirits of the ancestors and then convey his wishes to the people.

          The dancers in the circle is wearing a plaid cloth like a chess board around their waists. Besides the dancers, there is also the other dancers who portray the characters of Ramayana like Rama, Shinta, Ravana, Hanuman and Sugriva.

The icon of Kecak Dance :

  • Rama

  • Shinta

  •  Rahvana (Rahwana)

  • Hanuman (Hanoman) 

  • Sugriva (Sugriwa)

if you want to know more, you can watch this video :

Source :
